Graphic depicting heart, stroke and vascular.

Inaugural Meeting Updates

Leadership Councils

In the last issue of CorHealth Quarterly, we were excited to introduce CorHealth Ontario’s new Advisory and Task Group Structure and the three Leadership Councils. Since then, the Councils have successfully met in the fall with great interest and engagement.

During the inaugural meetings the following key themes emerged:

  • Rehabilitation Focus - there needs to be strong support for rehabilitation focus to maximize patient outcomes across CorHealth Ontario’s clinical domains
  • Opportunity for Integration - integration opportunities exist across key areas of continuum, including risk factor reduction and secondary prevention programs
  • Continuum Lens & Patient Focus - are perspectives that should drive CorHealth Ontario’s work going forward
  • Future Opportunities - the Councils will help identify system opportunities to address beyond 2019

During the cardiac Leadership Council meeting, Chair, Dr. Madhu Natarajan shared, “the three committees (cardiac, stroke, vascular) can be thought of as a Venn diagram. They are each unique in size and perspective, but do overlap in many ways. We hope to take advantage of these overlaps and share knowledge to improve patient care.”

The Councils meet three times per year and will continue to provide strategic advice and input to support the achievement of a high quality, integrated, system of cardiac, stroke and vascular care. As updates become available, we will continue to share them with you.

We would like to thank everyone who is part of this collaborative effort in achieving our mandate to improve the continuum of cardiac, stroke and vascular care for all Ontarians. If you have any questions, please contact us at

Clinical Advisory Committee

The first Clinical Advisory Committee (CAC) meeting, Co-chaired by Ms. Michelle DiEmanuele and Dr. Thomas Forbes, took place on October 12, 2018. The CAC is responsible for providing strategic advice to the Board of Directors on quality, performance, integration of care, and investment opportunities to improve care processes and outcomes.

At the inaugural meeting, each Leadership Council Chair attended to present key items from the Leadership Council meeting agendas:

  • Opportunities for integration of work supporting cardiac, stroke and vascular care
  • Widespread support for Leadership Council identification of baseline data requirements to measure performance and outcomes

The CAC meets three times per year and is comprised of systems level, forward-looking individuals, with clinical credibility in advancing integrated care across the cardiac, stroke, and vascular domains. The Committee has representation from across the continuum of care including acute care, primary care, prevention, rehabilitation and recovery; and, the members reflect interdisciplinary leadership from across the province.

Thank you to the members of the CAC for supporting the advancement of cardiac, stroke, and vascular care for all Ontarians.

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