Endovascular Thrombectomy Performance Measurement First in Canada
We are pleased to announce that on October 24, 2018, CorHealth Ontario launched the 2017/18 baseline performance results for Endovascular Thrombectomy (EVT) on a dashboard hosted by Integrated Decision Support (IDS), a technology infrastructure hosted and delivered by Hamilton Health Sciences Centre. This EVT performance measurement initiative is the first of its kind in Canada, and we are thrilled that Ontario is leading the nation.
In 2017, the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care (MOHLTC) requested that CorHealth Ontario establish, develop and implement an ongoing EVT performance measurement, monitoring and reporting system for Ontario. The CorHealth Ontario team and the EVT Performance Measurement and Monitoring (PMM) Task Group, Chaired by Dr. Rick Swartz and included members from the Institute of Clinical Evaluative Sciences (IC/ES) and IDS, worked tirelessly over the past year on developing the indicators, reviewing the results, and developing the design of the indicators’ dashboard.
The launch of the results was followed by a webinar on October 26 to introduce the dashboard to EVT centres, Local Health Integrated Networks (LHINs), the MOHLTC and other clinical stakeholders.
Going forward, the EVT performance indicators’ results will be produced on a biannual basis and will allow a better understanding of current access to EVT at a regional level, appropriateness of EVT referrals, timeliness of EVT diagnostics/intervention and outcomes associated with the provision of EVT.
We would like to express our sincerest thank you to everyone who participated in the process and look forward to our continued work together improving the quality of EVT care for all Ontarians.