Smart Tips for Stroke Care: A healthcare providers guide to caring for a person with stroke

This guide was intended/created for Personal Support Workers (PSW) working in Long Term Care in Ontario. However, anyone interested in stroke care can benefit from using this resource, including PSWs in the community, family members, etc.

The goal of the Smart Tips resource is to highlight common changes due to stroke and strategies for managing these changes. Each Smart Tips topic may be used individually or as part of a series. The Smart Tips can be printed freely as a full document or individually according to staff and organizational needs.

For additional information about any of the topics contained within, please contact your regional Stroke Network, or your healthcare provider.

Reference List


The information contained in these Smart Tips is for general information purposes only and is intended to support your organizational policies/procedures. The Regional Stroke Networks of Ontario assume no responsibility for errors or omissions in the contents.

These Smart Tips offer information designed for educational purposes only and are not a substitute for professional education, nor do they replace professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Please consult with a physician or other appropriate health care providers regarding medical or health related diagnoses or treatment options.

Smart Tips for Stroke Care (2023) was created by members of the Regional Stroke Networks of Ontario. This material may be shared without permission from the authors, without changes and with source credited.