
About the Provincial Integrated Work Plans

The annual stroke Provincial Integrated Work Plan (PIWP) process is now into its 5th cycle. This process is intended to: 1) streamline provincial planning and project development; 2) maximize access to and use of expertise; 3) make effective use of available resources (e.g. people, funding); 4) strengthen relationships; 5) recognize existing and emerging priorities; and 6) inform and support the annual development of the provincial CorHealth work plan. The completed PIWPs include Early Supported Discharge (ESD), A Navigation Model to Support Persons with Stroke Transitioning to the Community, the Stroke Unit Toolkit, Rehab Intensity and the Provincial Interprofessional Stroke Core Competency Framework.

About this Inventory

To support the knowledge translation, knowledge transfer and knowledge management of the PIWPs an online PIWP Inventory has been developed. This inventory includes 1) links to the PIWP work plans, final reports, deliverables, and any additional documents/tools that have been created; 2) a description of how regions across Ontario have used the various PIWPs; and 3) contact information to learn more about the work described.