CKD Screening QI Plan Template

Quality Dimension Objective Measure/Indicator Planned improvement
initiatives (Change Ideas)
Process measures Change ideas (2017/18)
Population Health
Improve the screening and identification of CKD for adult patients in primary healthcare teams in Ontario with a focus on patients at high risk % of adult patients with eGFR >30 or urine ACR <60 in the EMR Reminders to prompt primary care providers to assess the opportunity to screen. 1. % of adult patients 18 years of age or older with a eGFR or urine ACR in the EMR 1. EMR use for capturing identification of eligible patients capturing screening rates & capturing patients who refuse or are not ready for screening
% of adult patients with identified risk factor(s) with eGFR >30 or urine ACR <60 values in the EMR PROVIDER – EMR-Focused change ideas
PATIENT –  Patient decision-support-focused change ideas
1. % of adult patients 18 years of age or older with identified risk factors such as diabetes
2. % of adult patients with identified risk factors such as diabetes with eGFR or Urine ACR value in the EMR
1. EMR reminder/recall systems
2. Outreach to patients via Letters, Emails, Phone Calls, Focus Groups
3. Collaboration with Nephrology Early CKD team
4. Decision Support Aids
CorHealth Ontario

Vascular Health Primary Care Work Group
Last Updated: April 30, 2017