AAA QI Plan Template

Quality Dimension Objective Measure/Indicator Planned improvement
initiatives (Change Ideas)
Process measures Change ideas (2017/18)
Population Health/ Effectiveness/Patient-Centred Improve the screening and identification of abdominal aortic aneurysm for male patients aged 65-75 in primary healthcare teams in Ontario
  • # of AAA identified via ultrasound
  • # of incidental findings noted on abdominal ultrasound
  • Access to ultrasound in weeks from time of appointment request
  • # of eligible male patients who refuse screening
Reminders to prompt primary care providers to assess the opportunity to screen. % of eligible male patients aged 65-75 in the practice screened for an abdominal aortic aneurysm via ultrasound. EMR use for capturing identification of eligible patients capturing screening rates & capturing patients who refuse or are not ready for screening.
Provide decision support aids for patients. % of eligible male patients aged 65-75 in the practice screened for abdominal aortic aneurysm via a targeted ultrasound. Provision of website links, paper-based information tools to support screening decision.
Complete outreach to patients. % of eligible male patients aged 65-75 who accepted screening when contacted. Letters, Emails, Phone Calls, Focus Groups .
CorHealth Ontario

Vascular Health Primary Care Work Group
Last Updated: April 30, 2017