The Reason for the Effort

Lillian, age 49, was a 2 pack-a-day smoker. She used cigarettes as a means to cope with her depression and anxiety. She was never offered support in quitting and so was unaware of the negative effects tobacco was having on her physical and mental wellbeing – including increased stress. Imagine having access to the necessary tools and resources in order to provide support to the patients who need it the most?

Paul, age 34, used chewing tobacco socially with his friends. His primary care provider advised him to quit and informed him that tobacco use, even when used casually, puts him at a 2-3 times more likely risk of heart attack and stroke. Paul, having a family history of heart disease, was relieved to have been offered the treatment and support he needed to make a quit attempt.

How might our primary care team improve the processes within our clinic to support more patients with tobacco use cessation?

CorHealth Ontario

Vascular Health Primary Care Work Group
Last Updated: February 3, 2017
