QI Plan Template

Quality Dimension Objective Measure/Indicator Planned improvement
initiatives (Change Ideas)
Process measures Change ideas (2015/16)
Population Health
Improve the screening, identification and management of hypertension for adult patients in primary healthcare teams in Ontario with a focus on patients at high risk for development of vascular disease such as diabetes % of adult patients diagnosed with hypertension and w B/P value  ≤ 140/90 or ≤ 135/85 via AOBP PROVIDER – EMR-Focused change ideas
PATIENT –  Patient decision-support-focused change ideas
1. % of adult patients 18 years of age or older with a BP value in the EMR
2. % of adult patients 18 years of age or older with a diagnosis of hypertension
1. EMR reminder/recall systems
2. Decision support aids
3. Pharmacological prescribing
4. Behavioural support
% of adult patients w identified risk factor(s) w B/P value ≤ to 140/90 or ≤ 130/80 for patients with diabetes in EMR PROVIDER – EMR-Focused change ideas
PATIENT –  Patient decision-support-focused change ideas
1. % of adult patients 18 years of age or older with identified risk factors
2. % of adult patients with identified risk factors with BP value in the EMR
1. EMR reminder/recall systems
2. Decision support aids
3. Pharmacological prescribing
4. Behavioural support
CorHealth Ontario

Vascular Health Primary Care Work Group
Last Updated: February 3, 2017